Special Report Oliver Marsden Special Report Oliver Marsden

Foreign Embassies Have Failed Their Citizens in Lebanon. LevantX Investigates.

“I am scared. I am scared a lot.”
Ester Wamgui sits on a dirt-stained mattress lying on the street outside the Kenyan Consulate of Beirut. She cradles her son Jame in her arms while she seeks shelter from the August sun in the shade of a nearby building. Her daughter Judy sits next to her drawing on a scrap of paper with a yellow highlighter.

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Breaking Sectarianism Louay Faour Breaking Sectarianism Louay Faour

Lebanon's Sunnis: A Lost Leadership

Unlike other groups still divided along sectarian and political lines, Lebanon’s Sunnis have for years felt underrepresented and without a single strong leader. Hariri, who has traditionally been the community’s main man since the assassination of his father in 2005, has come and gone from the political scene repeatedly over the years, leaving a void no one has yet managed to fill.

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بالعربي Louay Faour بالعربي Louay Faour

مع القتلة متعايشين

عارفين من زمان. صحيح نطرنا سنين طويلة لقرار المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان يصدر، بس المجرم معروف وتعايشنا معه لأننا مجبورين. مجبورين نتعايش مع فريق يؤمن بمنطق الإلغاء، منطق الاستقواء، منطق المكابرة بقوة سلاحه غير الشرعي، بمنطق التخوين والاتهام بالعمالة

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